Part 1: Building the House with Your Mouth Workshop
November 20, 2021
Please click HERE to access the Workshop replay.
Overview of “Building the House with Your Mouth” Workshop:
- Do you have mountains in your life you need to move but they haven’t moved yet?
- Do you have circumstances, or unhealthy beliefs and behaviors you want to know how to change?
- Would you like to learn how to literally rewire your brain to be more in tune with God’s thinking?
In this 2-hour, “for such a time as this” workshop, Michael Clifton will equip you to overwrite toxic thoughts, conquer self-sabotaging behaviors, create healthy pathways in your brain, and break habits that have not yet bowed before you. All based on how God created our brains to work.
Michael will give you some of the same tools that have changed lives and helped thousands of people globally from almost 60 countries. Including participants from companies like MICROSOFT, Merrill Lynch, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Eddie Bauer, BOEING, Costco, Nestlé, The World Bank, and dozens more.
Feel free to share this with other kingdom minded believers who want to take their place in the army of God that is awakening now.