Developing in the Prophetic Ministry – Workshop 2

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Developing in the Prophetic Ministry – Workshop 2

March 26, 2022

Developing in the Prophetic Ministry Workshop 2 is a hands-on course that is intended to “stir up the gift that is in you” (1 Tim 1:6).  This is an advanced level training although beginners are welcome too.  Our goal is to strengthen you in your prophetic journey and to give you opportunities to practice.  Everyone will be able to take away more tips, nuggets, truths…and more experience after this workshop.

We know that many courses start at the basic level.  This course will assume that you know the basics of prophetic ministry and have been involved with giving and receiving prophecy.  We want to take you deeper.  If you’re looking for that “edge”, then this workshop is for you.  Are you ready?


Being deliberate and intentional with prophetic ministry

Conduct in prophetic ministry

Mentorship and prophetic groups

Governance in prophetic ministry

Prophetic evangelism

Putting some further definition to the revelation gifts and how they work

Further definitions to the levels of prophetic ministry

Am I called to be in prophetic ministry? Am I called to be a prophet?

Understanding the different ways that prophecy comes forth

Spiritual atmospheres and “atmospheric interference” and what to do about it

Click the “DOWNLOAD” box for class materials.